Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group World Heritage Council
In January 2019, the Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group World Heritage Council was established. The Council comprises representatives of the Imperial Household Agency, the owners of Ryobo (imperial tombs), and the local authorities (Osaka Prefecture, Sakai City, Habikino City, and Fujiidera City)
The Council is a platform for coordination and discussion between the managing institutions, including the Imperial Household Agency, for matters related to the management and conservation of the World Heritage property and its surrounding environment. The Council is responsible for monitoring the state of the property and takes part in property management in close coordination with the Conference Headquarters for the Promotion of Mozu-Furuichi Kofungun in charge of World Heritage nomination, as well as in information dissemination and momentum building, both inside and outside Japan.
Organization of the Council
Members of the Council
- (1 October 2018)
Position Name Chairman Governor of Osaka Prefecture MATSUI, Ichiro Director Mayor of Sakai City TAKEYAMA, Osami Deputy Directors Mayor of Habikino City YAMANOHA, Hajime Mayor of Fujiidera City KUNISHITA, Kazuo Director-General of the Archives and Mausolea Department, Imperial Household Agency WADA, Hiroo
Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group World Heritage Scientific Committee
The Scientific Committee aims to provide guidance and advice concerning the management of the World Heritage property and conservation of the surrounding environment in light of scientific and specialist viewpoints. The committee comprises researchers and experts from universities, academic institutions, and the Japan ICOMOS National Committee.
Members of the Scientific Committee
Position Name Title Specialty Chairman OKADA Yasuyoshi Professor Emeritus, Kokushikan University Architectural History, Heritage;
President of JAPAN ICOMOSVice Chairman WADA Seigo Director, Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Archaeology Archaeology Members FUKUNAGA Shinya Professor, Osaka University Archaeology INABA Nobuko Visiting Professor, Open University of Japan;
Professor Emeritus, University of Tsukuba;
Special Advisor to the Director-General of ICCROMHeritage, Architecture;
ICOMOS ISC memberMASUDA Noboru Specially Appointed Professor, Osaka Prefecture University Open Space Planning, Urban Conservation MUNETA Yoshifumi Vice President and Professor, Kyoto Prefectural University Urban Conservation, Heritage;
ICOMOS ISC memberNISHIMURA Yukio Project Office for New Faculty Establishment, Director Kokugakuin University Urban Conservation, Urban Design, Heritage;
Advisor to JAPAN ICOMOSTANAKA Tetsuo Honorary Director, Himeji Center for Research into Castles and Fortifications Historic Site restoration and presentationr Werner STEINHAUS Project Associate Professor, Hiroshima University Archaeology